SOAR - Strategies & Opportunities

SOAR - Strategies & Opportunities for Adult Responsibilities

The SOAR program was developed to aid students in transition from school to life. This program is designed to assist students with everyday adult living skills.

SOAR has two components:

IVT - Individual Vocation Training
This part of the program consists of students in a workplace developing soft work skills such as; arriving to work on time, being appropriately dress and groomed, attendance, following job related procedures, interaction between supervisor and co-workers, budgeting time to complete tasks, consumer awareness and more.

CBI - Community Based Instruction

Our goal of CBI is to help students contribute to the social community and be productive citizens. We work on banking skills, shopping for groceries and home accessories, social skills, recreational skills and leisure time activities. Students participate in community service activities, learn about public transportation, pedestrian safety, communicating in a public setting and use local businesses for their personal needs.

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